Thursday 3 February 2011

I will do advertisement for our exhibition.
I created our “History of Art student’s group” named “Four Arty Mad Cows”. I will not tell to girls this name. If Barbara didn’t allow to me comment her decisions about venue and subject of exhibition, why should I tell her this funny name? To be honest I like it very much! I not sure about girl’s sense of humour…
The group with name, bank account and logo we need to communicate with potential sponsors.
I wrote letter to the  Leverhulme Hotel & Spa
Port Sunlight Village
CH62 5EZ
Leverhulme Hotel & Spa agreed to be our exhibition sponsor and donated to our bank account £500!
We will print advertisement in our exhibition catalogue  about Leverhulme Hotel & Spa.
I did create our group blog as well. It called “Four Arty Mad Cows”