Saturday 15 October 2011

COMMUNITY GARDEN ACTIVITY DAY at Metal and the Academy of St Francis of Assisi

COMMUNITY GARDEN ACTIVITY DAY at Metal and the Academy of St Francis of Assisi
15 October 2011

What a lovely, sunny day!
We met at Metal “Secret Garden” at Edge Hill station. The children from St Francis School arrived at 11 o’clock and were very inspired by new future garden.  The pupils were so exciting about magnificent Moorish arch from old bricks and stones, tunnels, abandoned caves and old wall near garden.

Metal community and The Academy of St Francis Of Assissi are working together to create a permanent artwork and community garden to commemorate the Blitz at Edge Hill Station, Liverpool. The space was cleared from rubbish and roots

At St Francis of Assisi were organising a variety of exciting workshops and activities, including:
- Art and Design workshops
- African Sack Planting
- Cookery classes
- Henna Tattooing
- Pumpkin Carving
- Raffle