Sue Lee - a life model, a woman renowned for her dramatic and flamboyant personality, has been a life model for many years in Liverpool where she has been an inspiration to generations of talented artists and sculptors. This sculpture by Adrian Jeans is a tribute to her dedication to these people.
Sue is still working, currently located at the Liverpool Community College where she still continues to influence the next generation of artists.
Sue is a wonderful model and I just love her in the life classes, she is always willing to offer advice and put students at their ease.
This sculptures by Adrian Jeans is a tribute to her dedication to these people.
The Craft of Art sculpture created by visual artist Adrian Jeans during his 12 month residency at Metal, Edge Hill Station (2011). The artwork informed by Victorian art practices and the technicalities of figurative sculpting is an uncanny life-like portrait of renowned Liverpool life model Sue Lee. Entitled ‘Applied Meaning: An Allegory of Death & Destruction and an Allegory of Life & Creation’ the artwork comprises of two identical plaster casts of a life-sized and life-modelled human figure posed on a pile of building rubble taken from the on-going demolition/regeneration of the Kensington area in Liverpool where the artist lives.