Dzherih Anzhela
Angela Geri - Jerry Angel - Dzherih Anzhela - Анжела Джерих

The main object of art Angela Jerry - people. Ironic attitude to life is reflected in the works, allowing infinite model form. To see a tangible medium of the world his real spiritual content became the task of the artist .. She uses different manners, techniques, genres and topics, including history, folklore. In different works dominates some direction, but the accents are not critical, because the artist has created his own style and purpose in the sudden light of the presented innovative quests in modern art. What is important is not in itself the universalism of its style, easily absorbing the seemingly incompatible artistic ideas - it is important that these ideas of the author acquired a new meaning, penetrating lyric poetry of imagination. The new avant-garde techniques in the works lose their share of rationalism and turned into a fairy-tale language.
Works Geri attract attention, they are distinguished by solemnity and childlike feelings, it seems that the characters live an independent life.
The artist had not yet reached the peak of his artistic career, has not given up the search path of self-expression in art, but it's huge creative potential indicates that Jerry still will please connoisseurs and lovers of contemporary art.
To date, the author's work can be found in private collections far beyond the borders of Ukraine, in particular, are: Japan, St. Petersburg, Moscow, New York.
The site contains a series of works titled "Cats" and a series of "Characters". It is a kaleidoscope of images, in which each visitor will recognize themselves or their loved ones. These paintings radiate energy, a feeling arises when looking at them can be defined with one word: optimism.
